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The POST /v3/bankid-se/verify endpoint is used to verify a digital ID card from BankID.

POST /v3/bankid-se/verify
Authorization: Basic ${ base64(accountId + ':' + secretKey) }
"qrCode": "BANKIDF.74226..."
qrCodeYesThe content of the scanned QR code

IDkollen will respond with HTTP status 200 for successful request, or 4xx/5xx on errors.

HTTP/2.0 200 Created
"name": "Firstname Lastname",
"givenName": "Firstname",
"surname": "Lastname",
"verifiedAt": "2020-01-01"
ssnA Swedish personal identification number of the verified user.
nameThe full name of the verified user.
givenNameThe given name of the verified user.
surnameThe surname of the verified user.
verifiedAtThe date the digital ID card verification was performed.