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Deleting Logs

The DELETE /v3/teleid endpoint is used to delete TeleID logs before their auto-deletion dates.

DELETE /v3/teleid?fromDate=2020-01-01&toDate=2024-01-01
Authorization: Basic ${ base64(apiKey + ':' + secretKey) }
fromDateNoA date in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format of which all TeleID sessions initialized after will be deleted.
toDateNoA date in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format of which all TeleID sessions initialized before will be deleted.

Omitting both fromDate and toDate parameters will result in ALL TeleID logs being deleted.

Response example:

HTTP/2.0 204 No Content

To delete a log with a specific ID, the following can be used:

DELETE /v3/teleid/{id}
Authorization: Basic ${ base64(apiKey + ':' + secretKey) }